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- About Ylab

Global & China Brand Strategy
The only international brand to realize category-countering growth in the milk powder industry
- Increased Product Competition: Major brands in the Chinese market have launched similar products, making "a2 Milk" no longer unique to the brand.
- Diminished Market Influence: a2 previously benefited from a group of "wild influencers" — Australian purchasing agents. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the brand's influence has weakened, particularly in second- and third-tier cities.
- Category Positioning and High-End Mindset: Establish brand barriers by shifting from a “niche high-end” to a “category leader” strategy. Strengthen a2's position as a leader and enhance emotional resonance.
- Leading the Next Generation of Mothers: A leading brand should not only focus on the current audience but also anticipate future potential groups. Thus, greater emphasis should be placed on researching the parenting concepts of young mothers of the next generation.
- Competitive Strategy: In the era of ingredient proliferation, emphasize the importance of source milk. When selecting milk powder, the primary factor should be the quality of the “source milk” — the milk itself. If the source milk is not of good quality, no amount of additional ingredients will compensate for the nutritional shortcomings.
- Intergenerational Research/Category Research
- Brand Value Proposition
- Brand Communication Strategy
- Integrated Public Welfare Marketing Platform
Co-beneficial Marketing
“Find back life’s original smile”
Ylab Consultancy